Daniel José Da Silva


Daniel José da Silva has 12+ years working as Software Engineer and Scrum Master with Bachelor in Information Systems plus experience architecting and developing Web, Mobile and Client-Server applications. Along of his career he has been working with C#, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET, Microsoft MVC, Microsoft Azure, RESP APIs, Microsoft Business Intelligence, LINQ, Entity Framework, UML, JavaScript, JQuery, GIT, Xamarin Android/Forms, Teamcity, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Agile Methodologies, Scrum and more.

During those years Daniel José da Silva has been through several projects and industries such as Energy, Recycling, Law firms, Big Factories (perfume, assembly lines), Schools, Political Campaigns Projects and so one. Each of those projects taught me a lot about growing as a professional and as a person. It helped me to become self motivated and the most important to learn how to be prepared for the future.

Agile culture is part of my day to day. I try my best to incorporate the best principles and technologies so the teams that I belong to are empowered to achieve their goals. I do understand that Agile is not just a switch in the terms of whether you are agile or not, it all depends on the context of the projects/products that you are working and use the best judgement to apply it where it fits. Also I am a huge fan of Scrum.

In my free time I do a bit of writing on my blog trying to help others to learn a new tech or some tricks that I learned working in the IT world, also spending quality time with my family as they are my biggest motivation to keep evolving and give the best for them.


Read Daniel José da Silva's full curriculum - resume here.


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